The S5 launched this morning, to be made available in “mid-September” for $2,000. The launch release confirms pretty much all rumors, and adds a few more details:
- 4K 4:2:2 10-bit is available for internal recording, but there is a heat-caused time limit. External recording is available, and unlimited internal recording can be done at 4:2:0 at 8 bit.
- There is a power saving mode that triples the number of stills that can be taken (1,500 by CIPA ratings).
- There is processing of the dual-gain sensor information prior to gain processing, allowing for high ISO shots that are said to appear much less noisy.
- Panasonic, again, claims to have improved the DFD autofocus technology, which it says – in turn – helps improve the AFC performance, particularly with target recognition and tracking. [In the past, this has been a bit of a running gag with Panasonic, as their DFD system has fallen increasingly behind the performance of competitors. Each release has claimed improvements.]
Panasonic is already announcing a firmware upgrade to the yet-to-be-released camera, allowing the camera to support 6k and anamorphic output to an Atomos Ninja V external recorder; as well as include video-friendly features, such as vector scope display.