Not long after insisting he wasn’t going to get into heat-related arguments while tearing down the R5 to show its innards, Roger Cicala over at Lensrentals couldn’t leave well enough alone, conducting various heat tests, complete with pretty IR pictures.
The upshot: The R5 looks to get about 60 degrees centigrade, which is a critical point after which certain electronics start to lose efficiency. Many of today’s CFexpress cards are rated to 70 degrees C for operational temperatures.
Cameras using the new 1.1 or 1.1.1 firmware upgrades appear to allow the camera to get slightly hotter, which might be Canon managed to extend the times for recording high-bit-rate video. Also of note, the area around the CFexpress card slot was one of the toastiest, aside of course from the sensor and RAM modules. (Note: no-limit recording can be done via an external recorder, which also gives some weight to the idea that the CFexpress card elements are contributing significantly to the bursting of the heat envelope).