Canon 50 f/1.8 Pic Leaked [Update: Has Improved Design]

Oct 29, 2020 | Canon, Lenses, News

Nokishita got a marketing picture of the upcoming “nifty fifty” canon 50mm f/1.8. It comes now in RF mount, along with the expected lens control ring.

If Canon prices this similar to the older and quite popular 50mm f/1.8, it may indicate Canon intends of fleshing out the Canon RF lens lineup to have rough parity in pricing – eventually – to the older EF lineup, where lenses are equivalent. As this lens is perhaps the most obvious RF entry directly comparable to a legacy EF lens, this may provide our best indicator yet of Canon’s pricing intentions.

UPDATE: Even better, we now have a lens design graphic showing an aspherical element, which may suggest a slightly more ambitious image quality. That said, the EF version was known to be sharp, but lacked in focus consistency.

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