Meet the Telescoping Canon RF 70-200 f/4

Oct 31, 2020 | Canon, Lenses, Rumors

Pictures of the soon-to-be-released Canon RF 70-200 f/4 hit Nokishita a couple hours ago, and the big news is that it’ll be a telescoping design, like the f/2.8 equivalent launched a year ago. It appears to be a cute little guy. From the outside, it appears to be just like its bigger sibling, having all of the same controls, including a telescoping lock, AF control and lens IS control, and a control ring at the very end, around the objective lens.

Previously, rumor sites had used the term “Coke can” to indicate its rough size. It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but that might be underestimating its girth. See for yourself…

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