Sony Joins Canon with Financials Showing Harm from Supply Chain

Oct 29, 2021 | Brands, Canon, News, Sony

Canon’s stock had its biggest drop in years after it released earnings a few days ago showing significant supply chain headwinds. Sony now is reflecting a similar set of problems. Sony expects to sell fewer cameras, but more of the higher-ticket items, which may or may not make up the revenue. Perhaps not coincidentally, Sony A1 cameras are now sometimes listed as being in-stock at US online retailers, where just two weeks ago this was a rare event.

Canon’s predicament comes during a complex time. Even as it is about to launch its EOS R3 body, which would normally defer purchases among some, its supply of R5 and R6 cameras finally seems to have caught up with demand. The R3 shipping in November is itself quite a delay, as earlier targets had the camera coming out in the spring in time for the summer Olympics.

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