Olympus/OM System ‘Wow’ Camera Specs Leaked

Feb 10, 2022 | Bodies, MFT, Rumors

Nikon Rumors managed to get its mitts on what looks like the legitimate specs sheet of the new OM System camera to be launched in a week’s time. As was rumored, it features a 20 megapixel, 4K 60p, full-featured camera with what reads like software that may have caught up significantly with the tracking-centric full frame bodies of recent years.

OM System 2022 CP showThe specs indicate a much bigger emphasis on autofocus tracking, including the ability to pre-select subject categories, like trains, cars, dogs and cats, and even sub-categories, such as steam locomotives versus bullet trains (that last example being perhaps a uniquely-Japanese prioritization of subjects).

The full list can be found here.



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