If a major platform revision were being launched, we would normally know by now. Sony is apparently keeping the today’s new camera launch tightly under wraps, according to SonyAlphaRumors, in part by limiting internal knowledge of the launch to Sony Japan employees. SAR has previously suggested that this may be the A9 Mark III, but other rumors suggest a new RX-1R camera (fixed 35mm lens, oddly expensive full frame camera last revised 5 years ago). SAR’s source indicated such a camera would come with a faster lens than the f/2 version last launched.
Even the “leaked” photo of the upcoming camera is generally agreed to have been faked.
Nokishita can only add that it thinks it knows the internal code number for the new camera (a number that uses a syntax common among a7 cameras). SAR indicates that it believes there will be another camera launch following soon after tomorrow’s presentation.
The launch of Sony’s first-ever curved sensor camera was also associated with this launch, which appears to be a free-for-all vessel of all the hopes and desires of Sony rumors. That said, a curved sensor would match nicely with a fixed-lens body, as there would presumably be no other lenses compatible with a curved sensor. The curved sensor could theoretically allow for much simpler distortion correction in the lens design and tamp down on field curvature (edges not being at same focal plane as center).